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Established 1978

About Us

LSTA is..

An affiliate of the National Science Teachers Association, LSTA strives to maintain close ties with other state science teacher organizations in an effort to remain abreast of current issues and challenges facing science education.

Membership in LSTA ensures that science educators have a forum for promoting science education. The LSTA newsletter, the LASER, apprises members of the status of science education in Louisiana as well as nationally.  LSTA members receive numerous benefits, including:

  • connection to a network of formal and community-based K-12 science educators;
  • an annual conference that highlights award-winning presentations, share-a-thons, networking opportunities, exhibits, etc (*2024 will be a joint conference with NSTA);
  • advance announcements of local, state, and national professional development opportunities
  • monthly newsletter (LASER) sent to your email address
  • grant availability notifications
  • an awards program that recognizes of outstanding science educators; 
  • representation on local and national science councils (LDOE, LaSTEM, QSM, BTNEP, LEEC, GCOOS, NCSE, PAEMST, etc.)

Exercise your right to have a voice in science education issues &
become an active member today!

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© 2024 Louisiana Science Teachers Association 
The Louisiana Science Teachers Association is a 501  (c) 3 non-profit organization.

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