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Established 1978

lsta bylaws

Article 1: Terms and Election of Officers

Section 1
The elected officers-President, Vice-President, Secretary, and eight Regional Representatives shall serve for a two year period. The President may not serve two consecutive elected terms. Regional Representatives may be elected to no more than two consecutive terms. The officers will assume their elected positions at the end of the business meeting following their election. In case of a vacancy in an office, the Executive Council shall fill the vacancy until the next regular election.
Section 2
Election of officers is by a majority vote of members voting. The nominating committee will prepare ballots to be sent to the membership at least two months before the convention. Only official ballots returned to LSTA will be counted. The results of the election will be announced at the business meeting during the convention.
Section 3
Nominations may be submitted to the chair of the nominating committee by the membership during the period called for at least two months before the state convention meeting. To qualify for the Presidency, a candidate must have served or presently be serving as a member of the Executive Board. The nominating committee when possible will prepare a slate of two candidates for each position to be elect.

Article 2: Duties of Elected and Appointed Officers

Section 1
The president will preside at state meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board, will appoint all committees not otherwise provided for and is an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 2
The vice-president will assume all duties of the president in case of absence or resignation, and other duties delegated by the president.
Section 3
The past president serves as chair of the Nominating Committee and Constitution and Bylaws Committee.
Section 4
The secretary records and keeps a permanent record of all meetings.
Section 5
The treasurer receives all funds paid to the organization, keeps an up-todate record of the financially active membership, and expends all funds. The treasurer shall maintain a day-to-day accounting of all income and expenses of the Association, authorize all bills submitted, work with the Executive Board to develop an annual budget by April of each year, and with the secretary prepare an annual report of income and expenses for the annual meeting of the Association.
Section 6
The regional representatives act as a liaison between the regional membership and the Executive Board.
Section 7
The Parliamentarian assists the president (or any other presiding officer) in the interpretation of the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 8
The Membership Chair keeps an updated membership file of the active membership and coordinates registration at the state convention.
Section 9
The NSTA Liaison officer represents LSTA in all of its dealings with the National Science Teachers Association.
Section 10
The Historian is authorized to gather and archive all historical information and pictures of noteworthy Association events.
Section 11
The Awards Chair coordinates annual awards conferred and/or administered by the Association.
Section 12
The State Department of Education Program Manager for Science will serve in a non-voting role as a liaison between the State Department and LSTA.

Article 3: Duties of the Executive Board

Section 1

Upon the Executive Board shall rest the duties, abilities and final authority for the conduct of the association in all matters except as stated otherwise in the Constitution or in the Bylaws, or as designated by the assembled membership.

Article 4: Rules of Order

Section 1
Robert's Rules of Order, Revised shall be the authority on all questions of procedure not specifically stated in the Constitution and Bylaws.

Article 5: Meetings

Section 1

The LSTA will hold its State Science Institute each year in the fall.

Section 2

Executive Board and other meetings are called at the discretion of the president of the Executive Board.

Section 3

Mini-conferences and regional workshops will be determined by the needs of the membership in any locality within the state, but must be sanctioned by the Executive Board.

Article 6: Quorum

Section 1
A quorum at the institute business meeting shall consist of any number, provided at least one-half are not Executive Board officers. A quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of a simple majority of the voting members of the board.

Article 7: Committees

Section 1
Standing Committees. The following standing committees are appointed by the president, subject to the approval of the Executive Board: 
LSTA Science Institute Committee - The State Science Institute Committee Chair will be the President or appointed designee who will select the program, exhibit, hospitality, and other institute chairs as needed. The State Science Institute under the direction of the Chair will make detailed arrangements for meeting places, awards ceremony, and other field experiences and will submit plans to the Executive Board for approval. 
Constitution and Bylaws Committee - The immediate past-president shall serve as chairman of the committee. Other members, which shall include the parliamentarian, are appointed by the president. The duties of this committee are to study the Constitution and Bylaws and to recommend changes deemed necessary. 
Nominations Committee - The immediate past-president will serve as chairman and appoint four (4) other members to serve with the approval of the President. The committee will solicit nominations from the membership and prepare a written slate of two candidates for each of the elected offices and the regional representatives to be presented to the membership by ballot. 
Awards Committee - The committee will coordinate the selection of LSTA awards and honors as authorized by the Executive Board. The committee will be responsible for handling the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching selection each year and work in collaboration with the LATM Presidential Awards Chair. The chair shall be appointed by the President. 
Membership Committee – The membership committee will consist of the Membership Chair and Regional Representatives. The committee will solicit membership and maintain contact with members within their respective regions.
Section 2
Special Committees. Special Committees will be appointed as the President deems necessary. Chairpersons of Special Committees will serve as non-voting members on the Executive Board during for the length of the project they oversee.

Article 8: Communications

Section 1
The official newsletter of LSTA is the "LASER", published for its membership at least five times yearly. The purpose of the newsletter is to inform the membership of LSTA of the state science institute, sanctioned activities, and other opportunities. There may be intermediate publications dealing with special issues, disseminated by the President to be known as “Focus.” Publications may be distributed electronically or by mailing. The newsletter editor will serve as a non-voting member of the Executive Board. 
LSTA will have a website for the purpose of distributing information on the officers, science institute, supported programs and workshops, important science research, and other items of interest to the membership. The website editor will be a non-voting member of the Executive Board.

Article 9: Organization

Section 1

LSTA shall operate as non-profit organization.

Section 2

The purpose for which the corporation is organized are exclusively religious, charitable, scientific, literary and education within the meaning of Section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code of the 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United State Internal Revenue law.

Section 3

Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this organization shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by any organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under the Section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code of the 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United State Internal Revenue law.

Section 4

Section 4. In the event of the dissolution of this corporation, the assets of the corporation shall not be distributed to its members, but shall be distributed for education or charitable purposes to an organization or organizations exempt under 501 (c) 3 and 509 (a) 2 of the 1954 Internal Revenue Code, or any successor law.

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