- Click the “Log in” link at the very top left of any LSTA website page above the LSTA Science logo.
- Once the pop-up log in window opens, click "Forgot password" located below the blue Log in button.
- Enter your email (email used when registering for LSTA membership) and the provided secret code twice.
- The site will then send you an email to reset your password.
- Once you are logged in to the LSTA site, your name will appear at the upper left corner of the page.
- Click on your name, then click the View Profile Link in the menu that opens.
- When the Membership details page opens, your member ID appears on the Membership card below your name.
**If you are a current member and are unable to login to the site after updating your password, contact our Membership chair, Chris Campbell, at ctc@latech.edu to update your membership contact information.
**Don't miss out on any emails by logging in to the LSTA website and updating your account information!